Non-Classified Staff (Exempt) Benefits, Leave, & Forms


Auraria Higher Education Center offers its non-classified (exempt/professional) employees a comprehensive benefits package through the Colorado Higher Education Insurance Benefits Alliance (CHEIBA) Trust. New employees must enroll in a plan within 31 days of their hire date. Once a year during the Open Enrollment period, employees can make changes to existing coverage. Mid-year changes are allowed for select qualifying life events, such as birth, marriage, and spousal employment changes.

For additional information, please visit our BeneCenter

BeneCenter Login Information: Username: CHEIBA Password: AHEC

Non-Classified Benefit Forms & Information

Benefit Carrier Questions and/or Issues

If you have questions and/or problems regarding billing claims, services, reimbursements, prescriptions, or other insurance-related matters, you may contact a PAL (Participant Advocate Link), a unique service to assist you in resolving CHEIBA employee benefit issues.

PAL is an independent consultant whose only loyalty is to you and is not employed by an insurance company. PALs work for Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc., specifically on behalf of CHEIBA Trust members.

Annual Leave

  • Full-time, non-classified staff earn 21 vacation days per year, accrued at a rate of 14 hours per month.
  • Annual leave is used for personal needs and requires advance approval by your supervisor or appointing authority.
  • Borrowing against any leave that may be earned in the future is not allowed.
  • Leave is earned on the last work day of the month and is not available for use until the 1st of the month after it was earned.

Sick Leave

  • Full-time, non-classified employees earn 15 sick days per year, accrued at a rate of 10 hours per month.
  • Sick Leave is used for health reasons, including diagnostic and preventative examinations, treatment, and recovery.
  • Accrued sick leave may be used for the health needs of the employee, employee's child who is under the age of 18 or an adult child who is disabled, parent, spouse, injured military service member or veteran as established under rule 5-24, legal dependent, or a person in the household for whom the employee is the primary caregiver.

Leave Forms

Recreation/Wellness Benefits